A couple of our subscribers told us they didn't receive their usual Feedblitz email that alerts them of a new blog article published here on The Legal Pad. Oh-Oh! Time for Nancy Drew-Detective to go to work! Hmm...we think we may have had a slight glitch -- a minor malfunction. BUT -- We're on it!
If you've received this notification from Feedblitz about today's article -- it's working fine. But, if you're one of our subscribers who had to check the blog on your own, and didn't receive your Feedblitz email notification of a new item on the blog -- then just let us know and we'll fix it!
Just send an email to either Suzanne at [email protected] or to Jack at [email protected] and put "The Legal Pad" in the subject line.
By the way, while you're at it -- We have a open invitation for you as well. Feel free to tell us what you think about the blog. Are the articles helpful? Boring? A waste of your time? Tell us what you think. Your feedback is welcome!